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Ardii is an Ardia variant that can be found in Mama Tree, Forward Base and Dark Forest Outpost. Ardii first appeared as part of the 2019 Forest Expedition event, but later became permanent when the expedition areas returned.

Ardii's time used to be 6 minutes, and was decreased to 5 minutes in early October 2023.


Blue lights gleam as night gems in the Forest, thanks to Ardii. I’m not sure how they’re different from Ardia (except their glow), but I do admit that I feel less stressed with them around. Their floating pattern seems a little more floating than flying, and they like to hover a few centimeters above the ground, so those are a few differences. One of them, Dusted of course, tried to sting me and even that was a little strange; it made the area go numb instead of sting for the next twenty-four hours. Maybe I should catch more of these...


1554397679 ardii-dust
1 Ardii Dust
Coin md
4 Coins
6 XP

During the Forest Expedition, Ardii also dropped Expedition Tokens.

Ardii's drops were slightly altered in early October 2023 to include Coins instead of Dust.


Historical quests: These quests are no longer available.


Medalmamatree sm
Mama Tree
Icon forward-base
Forward Base
Dark Forest Outpost

During the Forest Expedition, Ardii was found at the Forward Base (Event Edition).

Mastery Rewards[]

Level 6: Gold Badge (500 Battles)
Level 7: Light Badge (1,000 Battles)
Level 8: Dark Badge (2,500 Battles)