4thewords Wiki
4thewords Wiki

Welcome to the 4TheWords Wiki![]

4TheWords, often abbreviated as 4TW, is a platform meant to turn writing into a fun gaming experience. Fight monsters with words, complete quests to gain rewards, and engage with a large community of writers just like you!

Note: If you are an existing player and receive a 404 error when trying to access 4TW, please use the link above.

The wiki will help you explore game areas, monsters, item drops, quests and crafting listings along with guides to the game, making your experience easier, and allowing you to plan ahead if you choose to.

This wiki is maintained by players, for players, with little involvement from the site's staff. If you need to report a bug or contact the developers directly, please do so over the appropriate, in-game channels.

How Does It Work?[]

If you're new to the 4theWords game and looking for some guidance, Start Here!

Want to help out the wiki but don't know how? Start here: For Contributors.

For more information or just to chat with the community, check out the 4TW Forums, or the community Discord! All Dust Warriors are welcome in both!

Visit the Mastery Rewards page to view and add mastery related items.

Useful Links[]


The wiki would like to thank everyone who's contributed to the wiki over the years, whether directly, by creating guides, testing different gameplay aspects, adding mastery rewards or helping in any capacity. This wiki is a community effort, and wouldn't exist without this amazing community's contributions.
