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Whodini is a creature available in the Spells Dungeon. It cannot be battled or equipped as a Familiar unless first purchased from the Assembly Hall's Familiars Market.

It first appeared during the Aurilis Magic Academy Event.


The familiar in the Academy Library is one to look out for. Whodini may seem cute, and act as thought it wants you to rub those perfectly triangular ears, but that beak is sharp! I was watching it one day and I realized that it's very curious about everything around it, especially if objects will bounce or break when they're knocked off shelves. The only thing I've ever seen it use its wings for is to catch a book that was about to fall too close to the fireplace. Other than that, it seems they rule the place like royalty.


3 Scrolls
Feathers md
1 Feathers
Fur md
2-3 Fur
50 XP

During the Aurilis Magic Academy Event, Whodini also dropped Aurilis Tokens.


  • Academy Library quest: K303: Apprentice Test (2/2) (5)
  • Academy Library quest: Defend Your Ancient Knowledge Thesis (12)

Historical Quests[]


Academy Library (NaNo Edition)

During the Aurilis Magic Academy Event, Whodini was found in the Spells Dungeon (NaNo Edition) and the Assembly Hall (NaNo Edition).


Familiar Boost[]

After purchasing Whodini as a Familiar, Dust Warriors gain access to the ability to exchange Ancient Knowledge Exam Credits for other class's Exam Credits in the Academy Library's Exam Credits Store. It also provides a 25% discount on coin costs in the Academy Library's Exam Credits Store and the Assembly Hall's Token Store.

Mastery Rewards[]

Level 6: Gold Badge (500 Battles)
Level 7: Light Badge (1,000 Battles)